If you are making the decision to start blogging as part of your marketing plan, it won’t surprise me to hear you ask, “so where does my blog go?”

Luckily, there are several ways to answer this.

Blog On Your Own Website

If your website already has a blog page available in the template you’re using, then go ahead and post your material there. Publish each post in your desired timeline (once a week, twice a month, once a month).

If your website does not appear to have a blog page available, you’ll want to speak to the person who designed it and ask if it’s possible to add a blog page. Most standard website templates do have a blog page format reserved.

Two Alternatives to Blogging On Your Website

If having a blog page on your website is not possible, all is not lost. You can use a separate blogging site. Review any of the popular sites available and follow their instructions or go on YouTube to learn how. Don’t take on anything you feel is a struggle, because you’ll want to engage with a platform you can easily commit to using monthly.

If setting up a separate blogging platform feels stressful and you have a LinkedIn profile, you can simply write your content by choosing, “Write article” under the space where you would add your status. How simple is that?

Which is the Best Publishing Choice?

Does it make a difference where you publish your blog? That depends on your goal.

If you want to be found through internet searches, then you’ll want your solution to be the most Google-friendly one, which is to use the blog page on your own website.

If you want your blog to speak to the audience you’ve already cultivated, then using a standalone site or social media is a good choice.

I Hit “Publish” … Now What?

What’s most important about your blog is what you do with it after it’s “live”. Don’t keep it a secret!

Social Media – yes, even though you used LinkedIn to write an article, you should still direct your contacts to it by writing a short post, with a link to the article. First, go to your published LinkedIn article, click on the 3 dots on the top right corner of the post, and click to copy the link. Then write a regular post giving a few words on the topic and pasting the link to the article. You can even direct your connections on Facebook to the LinkedIn article, they don’t need to be a LinkedIn user to read it.

Email Campaigns – Every time you post a blog, share the link to it on your next email campaign. This way you get more eyes on your blog and you have guaranteed content for the monthly newsletter.

Give Them New Life – Other ways to share your great material is to repurpose them into presentations, e-books, anything. You can also simply re-publish them a few years or months later. Update the content with fresh information and go!

Have questions about how a blog can improve your business results? Schedule a 40-minute Zoom meeting with me.