My blog post on Networking for Introverts really hit a hot spot with readers! It seems I’m not the only one who feels like a fidgety and awkward 9 year old when entering a room (or a zoom) full of people I don’t know. I wanted to pass along this feedback email I received from a spectacular entrepreneur I had the honor of working with. She’s got the whole networking thing down to a science that works well for her, which should encourage all of us to find the recipe that works for each of us. 

Without further a do, I am sharing Evelyn Cucchiara’s networking genius:  

While I personally LOVE networking events (because it gives me a chance to speak about my passion), I’ve found a few things to make them fun and worth my time -  

  1. I always wear red to stand out in a crowd. Look around the next time you’re at an event – even a ZOOM one – everyone is wearing dark somber colors – almost like they don’t want to stand out. I say – if you don’t want to stand out – maybe you shouldn’t be an entrepreneur! Harsh I know, but true. If you’re not passionate about representing your business, no one else will care about your business. 
  1. I have a custommade name tag with only my first name and the name of my company on it. This makes it super easy to read – and it causes people to come up to me and say ”What’s The Toy Tamer?” Boom – no need to approach people on my own – instead they come to me. Make it super simple for people to interact – and they will. 
  1. I stand up and sayI’m Evelyn Cucchiara, better known as ….. and then I wait for someone to shout “The Toy Tamer” back to me. When I first started doing this there were crickets – but now no matter where I go – even if I’ve never been there before – someone in the room knows me and knows the expected answer. So – picture how much of an impression this makes when I’m a guest at a networking event and I stand up for my intro and people say my company name back to me. That way I stand out from the crowd in a good way.  Everyone wants to know the person that everyone knows.  
  1. I read people’s name tags and strike up a conversation with someone who is in a similar industry or has a similar perfect customer. I know others in the room may know of someone who needs my services; but ultimately, have discovered that focusing on people who I already have something in common with is the most effective path to referral business.     
  1. If you truly don’t enjoy networking events, you may want to choose to direct your efforts to creating a whiz bang video for social media. That will get you more leads and contacts anyway. If you don’t feel networking is fun – either figure out how to make it fun or come up with a different way to get your name and your company out there.  

Evelyn Cucchiara is The Toy Tamer. She does custom playroom organizing – a micro-niche business where she offers help to parents who are tired of drowning in toys! Not only does she get the mess cleaned up and organized, she adds a system so the kids take over the clean up chore and absolutely LOVE doing it, all while teaching themselves vital life skills for a successful future. Find out more at or check out The Toy tamer on any social media.