I’ll bet you’ve seen it or perhaps have even done it yourself: your website, brochure and social posts talk about how you have awesome skills and are a seasoned expert in your field. Then you turn around and quote a low price, because you assume (hope) that will get you the sale.


Your message and your price must be consistent. Your price is part of your message!

If you needed to have surgery, and you saw the website or brochure for a surgeon who stated she was very experienced, up-to-date and skilled, you’d be tempted to call her. But then you notice that she offers procedures as low at $50.

And you’re thinking, “Not with my body, you don’t!”

Who even goes to the hair stylist who charges $10?? I won’t.

It doesn’t mean you should be the most expensive; it should simply mean that your price and your message must be in sync – connected – and backing each other up.

This is only one issue I spot with women entrepreneurs. I suffered from that same ailment and it took a kick-ass mentoring program to wake me up from the self-sabotaging I was practicing.

I paid into that mentoring program because I needed to do business the way it would help the most customers, and support me as well.

I paid – a lot! And I paid attention! I learned so much and I’m dying to share my marketing expertise plus my newly learned skills with others just like me.

women's group coaching, marketing program for women, women entrepreneur coachMy Sisters in Entrepreneurship Marketing Mentoring Program starts in just a few weeks – the beginning of March. There are 10 seats in my program. Room for 10 Extraordinary Women who are ready to create a huge impact toward getting the results they dreamed about. 10 women who will receive PRIVATE coaching as well as PEER mentoring, during an intensive 6 months, and put everything they learned into some Accountability exercises.

10 Women who want – need – to ensure their revenue is better in 2017 than ever before. Who want to help each other grow and help even more customers.

Did I say 10? 3 seats are now taken. Only 7 seats left. Are you ready? Reach out to me as soon as possible! 973.585.6393 or Susana@RightClickAdvantage.com