Recently I answered a journalist’s query asking what, after all this is over, you won’t take for granted going forward. Below is my response. I think I surprised myself as I was writing it; it flowed from the heart. 

I believe, ironically, the things I took for granted from the “old days” were the very things I used to not look forward to – leaving my comfy home to go networking. Get dressed up, drive to new locations, and walk into a room where you mostly know no one. Lots of “hi, I’m Susana….” and shaking stranger’s hands and exchanging business cards. Shaking hands! Something we did all the time without a scrap of thought in our heads is now considered to be dangerous and life threatening! 

A stranger’s smiling and nodding as you explain what you provide in your business – at the time you wondered how badly you were boring them with your intro – and now I will swear to appreciate every smiling face before me!  Sitting down next to strangers at a breakfast, lunch or dinner meeting may have caused nervous shyness – now I can’t wait to sit with strangers sharing a meal once again. What a wonderful human connection we had! I look back on days when I looked at my crowded calendar and thought, “I just want to skip this and stay home”. I look forward to a crowded calendar again and won’t take a single event for granted! 

If you want to see everyone’s response, click here. It’s an eclectic mix yet something we can all agree with! 

What did you used to take for granted before the world got turned on its head? 

Please share.