The Wrong Reason to Get Into a Coaching Program 

As both someone who has coached business owners, and as a business owner being coached by others, I’ve felt the excitement of beginning a new journey, full of wonder at the possibilities to explore. Because of my years in the trenches, one point that I want to clear up, for anyone considering hiring a coach or entering a business development program, is the matter of “what am I going to get?” 

I’ve heard business owners say that their expert gave them instructions, blueprints or templates. 

Them: “Just do this exactly as I’ve explained in my program. It got me huge success, it will do the same for you.” 

Reality: Maybe it will, maybe it won’t.  

Since every person is unique, every business is also unique. A process or blueprint or template that worked for 1 or even 100 people, cannot NOT guarantee it will work for you as well. 

The real value in working with a guide is to find the unique answer, the true direction that will absolutely work for you and your business because the solution is not “one-way”. It’s not cookie cutter. A solution must be tailor made for you, and cannot be sold to everyone.  

While some guidelines are generally helpful to most, there is no 100% guarantee that someone else’s actions will work for you exactly as it worked for them. 

Sometimes I’ll hear of someone buying a program guaranteed to “triple your income” or “10x your business” (whatever that means). They cannot guarantee any such thing.  

And if you buy their program and it doesn’t work for you, they will swear up and down that it works for everyone and clearly you did not follow all the directions closely. It’s obviously your fault that you are not a millionaire as a result of following the plan that works for everyone else. 

You can tell I’m getting on my soap box here, but I’m so tired of people wanting success so badly that they throw their money at a program because everyone else is getting rich from it.  

Are they, though? How do you know you’re being fed the truth? 

So what CAN you and SHOULD you expect when buying into a hired expert or program? 

You SHOULD expect that “they” are …  

  • taking the time to get to know you as a person 
  • analyzing your business from end to end to understand what is happening 
  • asking you what results you actually want 
  • curious about what other programs you’ve tried 
  • finding whether you are the right fit for their program 
  • asking what type of clients you want to serve 
  • understanding your services, and its true value to the customer 
  • determining your commitment to doing the work 
  • going to tailor the plan of action WITH you not for you 

Knowing that there is no magic wand or formula, you should be prepared to find someone to work with who will be honest with you and who will be willing to work side by side with you. Stay away from those hawking their “proven” systems guaranteeing to propel you into mega-success. If it sounds too good to be true….. 

Instead, consider what you want. Think about what you are prepared to do. Yes there will be work for you to do, and plenty of it. No coach or consultant is going to do all the work for you. The work is yours to complete.  

The work will be designed by you and your coach with only your business in mind, no one else’s. 

Do you like working privately with an expert? 

Do you thrive in the dynamics of a group environment? 

Find the right expert. Find the right program. Be wary of their promises. 

How Can I Help You? 

I work with small business owners to identify that one part of your business that isn’t doing that well. We look at your business holistically and clarify what needs to happen to increase profits and live your best entrepreneurial life.  

Schedule a free consulting session to see for yourself.