Working on a client’s email campaign today, I decided that the same template we were using for years was getting old and tired, so I went back to her website to make sure I had all the most up to date colors. I changed up some of the colors on her template, while still keeping to her brand. I sent myself a preview.

I found a tiny typo and fixed that. Then I noticed that her closing statement, included on the footer, was a bit wordy and I edited it for brevity while still retaining all her sentiments.  I sent myself a preview.

Then I noticed the navigation bar at the header really didn’t need one of the links, so removed it and fixed the spacing. And I also saw that her logo was looking “stretched out” when I viewed it on mobile so I adjusted the size a bit. I sent myself a preview.

I fussed with the 2 “read more” buttons at the ends of her starter articles to make sure the alignment was the same, and the size was the same. I also made sure the height was the same on both the images and that they each had the correct link to the appropriate article. I sent myself a preview.

I didn’t think the subject line I had chosen grabbed attention enough, so I changed it. Then I changed it again. Then I referenced her 2nd article in the preheader text. I sent myself a preview.

I tested on mobile to make sure the phone number and email address changing to blue on the phone still looked great against the new background color I used on that block. I reduced the size of the video image and changed the caption underneath. I sent myself a preview.

It looks great to me, and NOW it’s ready to send to her for review. There’s no way that all of this back and forth with sizing, wording, image placement, and font sizes would be sent to her and interrupt her while she’s working. I sent the preview when my own persnickety taste was appeased.

I know for a fact that she’s grateful, because she always says, “this looks great!” and “I never would have been able to make it look this good”. It’s satisfying to me to offload this work from her desk to that she can focus on making her customers happy.

The adjusting the testing the re-writing and designing… is it a good use of your time? Is it something you love doing? If so, then that’s awesome. But if you feel frustrated that your time is being spent doing operational work when you should be focused on your client work, then perhaps we should chat about getting your email marketing work off your desk and onto mine.

Please feel free to schedule a free Discovery Call with me.