You can cry about the energy, money and time wasted or you can dust yourself off and keep walking forward, chin up, eyes focused on your goals. Which is it going to be?

Having run my own business for 15 years (yikes!) I’ve had some “wins” and some “losses”. The losses can be debilitating if you take the time to dwell on your mistakes, beat yourself up, and wonder if “things will ever work out” for you.

Here’s the deal – if you take the time you could have wasted in your pity party and used it instead to determine your next positive move, you’ll get much farther ahead in the game.

Another truth- you will never flow through your business career without a single “fall”. Corporations take a hit, deals fall through, no one is excused from failing here and there.

What will you do with your failure? If you said “analyze what went wrong, plan your next steps, congratulate yourself on having taken a chance and jump into positive action” then you’d be a WINNER!

I love being a business growth strategist. It gives me the opportunity to use my 20 years as a systems analyst to help my clients “figure it out”. I like taking apart the mess, sorting it all out, shining a light on each piece, and then re-assembling it in a different way, one that works well and makes the business owner HAPPY.

I’ve failed a little and I’ve failed a lot. Anyone in business this long will tell you the same. But there have been mostly wonderful wins, incredible inspiration, joyous successes. I’m still loving being in business and still working happy. If you’ve bumped your head just a little too often and want a helping hand to get you back up on your feet, I’m here for you. Let’s chat and we’ll see if I can give you 2 or 3 action steps that will get you moving on the right road.