I’ve spoken at a seminar. Now what?A successful presentation

You’ve ended your talk and the room erupts in applause! They loved you, they loved your material.

Speaking is one of the most powerful lead generators in the world of marketing. But if you don’t have an after-talk process or plan in mind, it can get you nowhere. I’ve been nowhere, it’s not fun.

You go home and wait for the bookings to come. But they don’t. What’s missing?

During your talk:

By all means, share wonderful, actionable information. Your attendees should walk away with at least 3 actions they could put into play immediately. However, you want to refer to bigger solutions without actually giving away all the details they would have learned if they paid for your service. Build the gap (between what they walk away with for free and what they need to pay you for) by using phrases like, “I tackle challenges like this in detail when I work with my clients…”  Let them understand that what you’re giving away is just motivating them to get started on a solution but they will need you for the full value.

End your presentation with a call to actionAt the end of your talk and after:

  • Your last slide should include your call to action. What’s an easy and free step they can take after your talk? Usually, it’s setting up a free 30 minute phone consult. But they won’t know that until you make it clear that you invite them to call, email, or visit your office or website to book the free consult.
  • Create a feedback form. Collect their contact information and their honest opinion. Enter the contacts into your email marketing tool so that you can continue to engage them. On the form, as what did they like, what was their biggest take-away, what can be improved? Then ask on the form if they would like to be contacted to schedule the free consult. Let them check a box with the understanding you will be calling them.
  • Send a thank you email within 24 hours to all attendees. Perhaps send them a pdf of your slides or a cheat sheet or any little bonus. Thank them for coming and once again state your call to action, inviting them to book a free phone consult. Use a scheduling tool so that you can put the link on your email for them to click and set their own appointment.
  • Call them anyway. Even if they didn’t request a consult, find a reason to quickly phone each person to simply say thanks, find out if they received your free bonus via the email, and engage them in conversation to find out more about their challenge and if they are a good fit to work with you. You’ll know by the end of the 10 minute call if you want to lead them to a 30 minute consult or if they are clearly not interested/not a fit.

For some people, working with you is something they know immediately. For others, they need to think about it for a day or two. Put them in your monthly marketing funnel to remind them of how you can help them.