Pricing Your Services With Confidence
As a solo entrepreneur with years of experience, you’ve built a foundation for a business that works. You have happy clients, you deliver great results, and you know your services make an impact. But when it comes to pricing, [...]
How To Create Content for a New Email Subscriber Sequence
You have an email marketing account. Now what? Small business owners have been perplexed by how to use your new-found power! You’re standing on top of the mountain, ready to declare your message to the town below and [...]
As A Small Business Owner, Why Is It So Important To Get Blogging Right?
For small business owners, blogging is an essential tool for a number of reasons, and doing it well may have a substantial impact on your company's overall growth and success. Here are the key reasons why: Fresh Content [...]
The Difference Between a CRM and an Email Marketing Database
A Contact Relationship Manager (CRM) is priceless! This software platform comes in many options from simple and free to complex and costly. Every business should use a CRM, even from day 1! Keep track of: people you meet: how, [...]
Cultivating a Premium Email Marketing List
Who do I add to my email marketing list? I remember in the early 2000’s when the strategy was to amass as huge a list as possible. “It’s a numbers game” I was told. This advice was completely misguided [...]
How Can I Use Website Content to Target a Specific Audience?
Yes, what you’ve been hearing is true – it pays to “specialize”, “niche down” or “target” a specific audience. It all boils down to knowing exactly who you want to work with, and who you’d rather not deal with. [...]