A few years ago, someone told me that blogging weekly was the way to go.
Me: “You mean EVERY week???” sigh…
But for the last few years, I’ve made it happen. I think I let 1 week go by with nothing.
Here are my tactics:
I Make Sure It Happens Every Week.
I pay an admin to grab my weekly document from our shared drive every Tuesday, format it nicely with my logo and an image, post it on my website and publish it to LinkedIn. One of the duties I tasked her with is to NAG me by the middle of Tuesday if there was no doc in the folder ready to go. I count on her to remind me. It’s important to me that she do so. And she has never failed me. She was also kind to me that one week I just couldn’t make it happen. Thank you, Joanna!
I Use What I Have
I go back in my voluminous blog history and see if there was an interesting post from 2-3 years ago that could use some refreshing. I don’t kid myself that the entire world read it and found it fascinating the first time it was published. I edit and update it, and it’s ready for its second life.
I Make Certain I Have New Content At The Ready
I have a word doc called “The blog log”. I try to keep it open and minimized throughout the day. When I’m conversing with another business associate or client, if an interesting sentence or question comes up (it always does) I add it to the blog log right then and there. Since I’m often in the middle of an active conversation, sometimes the mish-mashed phrase that gets added to the blog log doesn’t make a whole lot of sense later but it’s a memory jogger about that terrific conversation and eventually a lovely blog post is written. Thank you, everyone I’ve ever had a conversation with!
Bonus Secret: If You’re Stuck, Get a Little Help From Your Friends
It happens – the well can run really dry. In this case, why not be generous and offer an opportunity to your business clients and associates to be a Guest Blog Writer? They can often pull out something they’ve published before that fits in well with your topic. They will get exposure to your audience, something everyone appreciates.
Why blog at all?
Blogging is important for many reasons – one is to ensure your website has fresh content every week and this helps your findability online. Another is to give your prospects a taste of your knowledge and personality. They get to peek at your brilliance a little, even before the first phone call. And – it’s a wonderful way to build a library of content that can be used in may different ways. Repurpose blog posts into a presentation, email newsletters, social media posts, and article submissions.
You don’t need to be a spectacular writer – just generous with your knowledge.
We can all use new business this year, so I hope this helps your marketing efforts. And as usual I welcome you to schedule a discovery call with me if you’ve been appreciating my blog posts over time and would like to discuss your goals.