Why are you in business? What are you looking to get out of this entrepreneurial experience? 

Recently I’ve had conversations with clients and colleagues around this topic. During this COVID epidemic, it’s easy to feel emotional exhaustion overcome you – after all, our lives got turned on its side. All the hard work we put into building our business suddenly stopped or got stalled or is just – weirdly different. 

Our shoulders slumped. Really? As if being a business owner didn’t already come with challenges. 

Are you still in the game? What’s your fight or flight response? 

If you’re unsure where you stand, it helps to remember your original motivation. Why did you decide to start a business? Why this particular business? 

For some, huge amounts of money are the motivator. Those are not “my” people. Those are the people I tell outright that we’re not the right fit. 

I prefer to work side by side (Zoom by Zoom?) with people who have a deep mission that focuses on making their clients’ lives better. Because that’s what motivates me. My ideal client is very clear on their purpose – and by pursuing their purpose in a solid  business model, the money follows. 

While we’re still in the midst of this pandemic, sorting out how to keep our business going, you may remember why you started this business but are now wondering how you’ll reach your financial goals. 

Remembering your motivation will propel you into Resiliency. 

From my very first day of entrepreneurship, I was taught to build Risk Management into my business model. Having a certification in project management, I was taught how to do just that. When everything is fine and sunny, we don’t think about the moving parts and strategy behind risk management. 

Now in our new crisis-fighting life, it is and should be front and center in your mind. With a solid Risk Management plan integrated in your business model, your company is now more poised to remain resilient. I don’t dare say, “crisis-proof” but you need a plan to fight back. 

I’ll be addressing this in my webinar this Thursday, Finding New Life For Your Business in a Financial Setback. Here I’ll go over the math and the methods to clarify where you are now and what to pay attention to, in order to reach your goals; yes, even NOW and in the ever-unpredictable future. I’d love to see you there.