Keep it SimpleSometimes working on this month’s email campaign can feel overwhelming. Like that scene from Star Wars where they are stuck in a giant trash compactor and the walls of garbage are closing in on them, a large daunting marketing task can make us feel squeezed for time and put us into a state of paralysis. The next step of course is procrastination.

  • But what if you made it easier on yourself and didn’t address too many things in a single campaign?
  • What if you made it shorter and focused on only 1 thing?
  • Can it be that there is a way to make creating your email campaign easier AND bring more value to your audience?

I was working with a business owner who offers 3 key services, so she usually includes 3 informative articles in her email campaign, each focusing on 1 of the 3 services. While the intent was to send campaigns monthly, the size of the task made it easier and easier to push to the ‘Later’ pile, and months would go by without it getting done.

We spoke about 1 great topic for 1 key service and I gave her Official Permission to just use 1 article on the 1 topic for that month’s email. An article, 2 or 3 images, a list of her next speaking engagements, and a call to action. Done.

Take a look at what you’ve been doing – or more importantly – what you’ve been meaning to do if you ever got around to it. Simplifying by targeting 1 topic or service that you offer lets you serve up material that is easier for your audience to digest. If they can read it easier they can focus on it and reach out to you. Presenting too many choices makes for a confused mind, and when we are confused we cannot act.

Dare to make your very next email marketing campaign simpler!