There will always be days in your entrepreneurial journey where there is financial abundance, and days where you are hitting close to rock bottom. It’s the reason that not everyone is cut out to be a business owner – you have to be at least partially crazy, am I right? 

A year ago, when the pandemic was still a fresh shock to us all, I wrote How To Manage Your Business During Turbulent Times. 

But you don’t have to have a pandemic hit to experience a financial setback. No matter how talented or careful or organized you are, there will be a downturn in your business at some point. So – expect it and plan for it. And take action to turn it around! 

Clients come and go. Not everything is under your control but have you really sat down and taken inventory of all that you do have under your control? 

Through the years of being a business owner and riding (and surviving) the revenue roller coaster, I’ve developed some survival tools. I’m sharing some of them in a free webinar. You have a choice of 2 times to join us. And if you know me, you’ll expect that I love discussion and participation. I want you to learn from some of my strategies and share some of your own experiences and wisdom. 

April 19th in the AM 

April 22nd in the PM 

Hope to see/hear you then!