Some business owners, in making decisions about their operations, look at competitors to see what’s the “norm” for their industry. While being aware is a good thing, why stop there? 

Take a look at other industries that function similarly to what you do or give your same clients different services, or have other natural inherent similarities. 

For example, if you operate a business that offers services through some sort of membership experience, what are other businesses that also offer a membership structure that your same clients likely use? 

The reasons and benefits of this type of research and consideration are many. 

One of them is that, if I’m already a consumer of this type of membership service and already comprehend and agree to their operating rules, if I use your service too, I’m already comfortable and familiar with how they work and what to expect. 

Make it easy on your customer by mimicking similar processes that they’re already agreeing to with another type of business they use. 

Why reinvent the wheel? 

It’s important to be unique – so you don’t want to be the gym that looks and feels like all other gyms. But if you’re looking to be unique, why not check out the processes that their clients use at other places, such as massage therapy businesses and swimming or music schools?  

Too often I find that business owners worry about their competitor – you can let that worry go if you find inspiration for working differently from other industries who share your clients. 

Brainstorm a few ideas and then go meet those other business owners. They are not your competitors and it always helps to establish new strategic referral partners. 

If you’ve tried this, please share your success, I’d love to know about your winning stories!