Would you care to take a short stroll through the Amazon jungle? Perhaps a brief dip in Niagara Falls? 

This is what it feels like when you decide to be open and available to “anyone and everyone” rather than focus on a target market.   

Listen up: There is a difference between specializing in a particular sub-section of the human race, and only serving them, shutting out all others. When I started my business, and marketing experts would try to explain “target market” and “ideal client”, I just didn’t get it. I thought they were telling me I could NOT serve anyone outside my chosen section of people. This isn’t the case and I learned this much later. 

I can’t help but think about the Pretty Woman scene where she (dressed as a hooker) is trying to shop for clothes at an upscale boutique but the snooty women there make her feel grossly unwelcome. (The redemption scene later on is worth the whole movie.) 

Large corporations use sophisticated marketing tactics to show you who their ideal clients are without making others feel that they will be refused service. What they do is subtle yet effective. The customers for Cadillac and those for Subaru are distinctly different. They both sell cars yet don’t feel a need to see each other as competitors because their target audiences are so different. Your business, regardless of size, can follow suit. 

With great marketing, your ideal clients will self-identify because of your brand, services, price, and message. 

Newer businesses often have to contend with the challenge of attracting the prospect who doesn’t fit their Ideal Client Profile. If this happens, take a closer look at your marketing, branding, and messaging, both text and images. 

Another factor that plays a part in attracting the “wrong” client is not understanding how to choose that specific market, and why them? 

So, before you hone the specifics of your brand, services, price and message, you must clearly define not only WHO you most wish to serve, but also WHY them?  

The most successful businesses tie their ideal client to their own personal story. I take the time with my clients to help them delve into their purpose and their origin story. This greatly enhances our ability to find the connections to the type of client you want to specialize in. 

You know you’re on the right track when you experience happiness and excitement working with that type of person. 

How Can I Help You? 

I thrive on bringing groups of peers to learn and interact, dynamically growing their business together. We benefit from a dedicated support crew, giving and receiving valuable insight and feedback. A group to LISTEN to your questions and challenges. A guide to give you time tested custom designed materials. An environment where you feel comfortable growing your business with energy and motivation. Find out more about Grow Your Business Step by Step here.