Revealing Your Ideal Client is a topic I love to give at workshops. It’s something that I didn’t understand 15 years ago as a new entrepreneur, but deeply appreciate today. 

Many coaches or marketing people tell you to choose an industry, but I’ve always advocated being extra careful – after all, an industry is made up of people, and no 2 humans are alike. So – not all attorneys, not all construction companies, not all authors are the same. Proceed with caution and know what else to look out for. 

In my case, beyond industry, I look for personality, personal commitment, energy level, mission, vision, and similar “non-concrete” traits. 

One of the first questions I typically ask is, “why did you get into this particular type of business?” And, “who do you love working with, and why?” 

It’s important to stick with your process, and when you don’t, stuff falls apart! As an example, recently I received a warm lead for a business owner looking for my services as a Pumpkin Plan Strategist. On paper, she seemed like a great fit, and I’ve served industries very similar to hers. During the preparation period for our initial consult, I sent her my questionnaire. It’s a way for me to gain information prior to the call so we can be more productive and “ready” on the call. 

I admit it – there were red flags everywhere! Why, oh why did I choose to ignore them? Is it because the “old me” – that person who wants to help everyone – crept out of the back room and into the foreground? Sigh.  

I never did get to ask my key questions because she pretty much dominated the conversation. Whenever I did ask a question, I never felt confident that I received a direct answer. She wanted to tell me all about her accomplishments and how she taught herself very valuable marketing skills. This was definitely something to be proud of – but I felt that she wanted to be in complete control of both ends of the conversation. In short, she didn’t want to be coached – she wanted to be on top of the whole process herself. 

Some people are really talented and terrific, but they just don’t take well to direction. They are on a mission to do things their way, and somehow want YOU to fall in line with the way their brain works!  

I hope she does find her way to getting the direction she’s looking for, but I’m not her person, and after our initial consult, we both knew it. 

Why am I telling you this story? It’s a cautionary tale, I suppose – don’t be too hopeful to work with anyone because not everyone is going to be “your person”. Move slowly, asks lots of questions and see how your prospect reacts to your process. 

If they seem to be super resistant to any attempt at having them adapt to your systems and procedures, then do an about-face and walk away! 

Ideal client is beyond an industry. That’s why an initial consult is so crucial. Take the time to ask questions and then be super aware of how you FEEL the conversation is going. 

In my case, at no time did I feel comfortable. Even though I would like to help everyone who asks me, it’s a fact that I cannot possibly be a good match for everyone. I would have spent agonizing months working with her, not fully communicating with her, and she would have been equally as frustrated with me. 

Your turn: 

What 2 or 3 key questions can you ask to determine whether this is “your person”? 

How early into the discovery process can you sneak in these questions or some other type of “test”? 

What red flags will you watch out for? 

Experienced a “near miss” experience like mine? Tell me about it! 

Want to schedule a free consult with me to see if we are in line with each other? I welcome your reaching out. Email me: