When business is slow, you’re stressed, wondering “how do I generate new business?” Having been an entrepreneur for almost 20 years, I can pull myself out of panic mode and into a productive course of action. Here’s a peek into my process.   

This is not the time to sit back and wait for something to happen. 

Create activity that will lead to long term success. 

  1. Boost visibility. 
    When business slows down, it’s not the time to hide. Look for networking opportunities and ensure that your 20-30 second intro is clear and crisp, saying what you need to in order to be understood. Listen to others, not to sell to them, but to see who you would like to get to know better in a follow up call. Connect on LinkedIn. 
  2. Build new relationships.
    Set up calls with each new connection. Find out who they are as people before you ask about business. Take notes, and referencing them when you check back in a month or two. How can you help them with their needs and goals? Be direct about what you need and how they might help. Give specific examples of who you’re looking to meet and why. Set up a follow up call. 
  3. Reconnect.
    Who haven’t you spoken to in a while? Past clients, former strategic partners, old leads that didn’t work out at the time. Look through your contact list. You’re reaching out to touch base on a human level, so this should not feel awkward. Apologize for not reaching out before now if it’s appropriate.   
  4. Ask the VIP’s
    Reach out to your very best, favorite customers. How are they doing? What do they feel you can do to improve your business? Better services? Different delivery? More options? Your best clients hold the key to how your business can continually improve – which in turn attracts more clients. 

Stay tuned for Part II!