Some folks are not clear on my role in developing growth in your company. Since I’m the Analogy Queen, here’s my favorite one. I’m the GPS for your business goals. 

You have a vision of where you want your business to go. You’re not sure how to get there. Get in the driver’s seat and turn on your GPS.

Your GPS doesn’t do the driving for you. It doesn’t decide your destination either. 

The job of your GPS is to analyze, calculate, and show you which is the best possible route, given where you are now, and where you’d like to be.  

  • If you face a roadblock while driving, your GPS doesn’t take control of the wheel, turning it right or leftYOU decide which alternate routes to take. 
  • If you reach a crossroads in your business, your coach will ask you to tap into your vision if you take either direction and ask how each feels for you. Your consultant will help you build foundational pieces of the new path YOU chose for the best possible results. 
  • If your car is running low on gas, you can ask your GPS to list gas stations nearest your current destination. It’s YOUR choice which one to steer to. 
  • If your energy in your business is running low, your coach will ask you questions about the source of your frustrations, what you’ve tried, why you believe things are not progressing. Your consultant will brainstorm with you possible next action steps given current circumstances and resources. 

Work with a coach or a consultant, or find a combo – a coach/consultant. That’s what I offer. As a coach/consultant, I ask you clarifying questions and then help you brainstorm and build.  

What Is Your Role? 

When we identify action steps, I am NOT assigning you homework that must be completed by the next session. That’s hopeful yet mostly unrealistic, given the ever shifting dynamics of your own personal life and the entrepreneurial world.  

Remember, the GPS gives you suggestions, but is NOT in charge. You are the driver. YOU decide if and when you work on which action steps, given your current situation. 

When we have a scheduled session, it’s not your burden to bring me results of any kind. Our sessions are for YOU, to focus on where you are right at that moment. What’s going well, what’s not? What’s exciting and what’s frustrating? And with that information, we lay out a possible route going forward.  

If you’re tired of driving around and around, not getting much closer to your destination, get a GPS. If you’re working and working in your business but not seeing the results you wanted, and would appreciate some guidance, schedule a call with me and let’s talk about your current location.