In my conversations with entrepreneurs, whether they are clients, past clients or networking associates, I am seeing a distinct pattern that draws us all together. Regardless of industry, there seems to be one resounding voice. Fascinating how people who don’t know each other are all coming to the same or similar conclusions. I sure hope someone is doing a study on this (are you listening @MalcolmGladwell?) 

June and July are periods of re-opening in this part of the country but very few folks I have spoken with are expecting to return to work”100% back to the way it was pre-COVID. 

In short, June-July are being treated as a new “year” of sorts – or as I’ve been dubbing it, 2020-A.  Happy New Year!

One by one, my fellow business owners are saying, “I don’t think I want to run my business the way it was before”. 

And it goes beyond whether or not to be virtual. We are re-thinking and re-imagining whole new business models. We’re not even using the word “pivot” anymore; that doesn’t quite cut it. Reimagining a Restructure? 

We are all suddenly analyzing and accepting new and creative business model ideas. Perhaps it’s an old idea that was buried in back of our minds and is now free to shake off the dust. COVID was a brutal time for many in fighting for their health. Sheltering in place allowed us the luxury to STOP and Breathe. To slow down. To cease old habits and routines and schedules. 

This is why we were able to think and evaluate and imagine. If we can’t do business the way we did before, and we don’t WANT to go back to our exhausting routines, what are the possibilities then? Turns out, there are many options, and sheltering in place provided us the ability to sit quietly and listen to our own thoughts.  

As I’ve been having these conversations, I can’t help but feel excitement right along with these brilliant entrepreneurs following their personal mission and reimagining their business. I’ve been getting requests, “is it ok to schedule some time on your calendar to help me think through some possibly crazy thoughts about a shift in my business?” 

Absolutely! I’m a Business Model Nerd and brainstorming and strategizing are my Thing.  

I truly believe those crazy thoughts in your head are not crazy at all – they are the wise and creative ideas your brain has had to stifle because you were stuck on the busy business merry go round. Now that the carousel has stopped or slowed down, those thoughts were slowly coming to light. 

Some of you told me you wanted to  

  • Do what you do for a completely different set of clients. 
  • Work virtually instead of physically 
  • Teach and coach others instead of being the doer 
  • Serve an exclusive set of clients and hire others to serve the rest
  • Provide a whole new set of services 

Here’s the funny part – most people have been telling me about their new ideas almost sheepishly – as if to say, “am I crazy for thinking this way?” 

Of course not! You’re just pushing your old familiar routine aside and allowing creativity to burst through the door. 

If you’re looking for a way to talk out your new idea with someone who’s analytical yet ready to cheer you on, then book a Strategy Session with me. Talking it out is only the beginning – let’s take some action together.