A Business Development Club for Women Entrepreneurs in the First 5 Years of Ownership

If you’re in the first few years of building your business, you’ve considered strategies and decisions to make.

Your family and friends are not equipped to help unless they’ve had years of business owner experience.

Where do you turn when you’re ready to bring your entrepreneurial goals into fruition?

Join the next cohort of GROW, a comprehensive and confidential private club designed for positive and proactive freelancers, micro-business owners and entrepreneurs like YOU!

If you’re within the first few years of your business development and you’re looking for real growth in the next few months, then here’s how to take action with intention and create a non-stoppable foundation that builds momentum.

GROW gives you…

👉 8 Live Monthly Meetings via Zoom

👉 Proprietary Business Building Tools Created from My 20 Years of Experience

👉 Private Group Forum in WhatsApp to Connect Anytime

👉 Peer Insights, Business Support, Ideation and Feedback

👉 Expert-led Discussions and Brainstorming

👉 Share your Questions and Challenges in Confidence with a Positive Group of Peers.

🔍 What’s in Store:

🌟 You’ll learn and experience the elements of successful entrepreneurship through engaging live sessions!

🌟 Each month, we’ll delve into crucial aspects of business, from crafting a killer business plan to mastering marketing strategies.

🌟 Every opportunity to ask questions, gain feedback, give advice, and watch concepts come to life.

🌟 Get ready to transform your ideas, mission and vision into a thriving reality!

📅 Let’s Make This YOUR Year of Accomplishments!

I’ve been a business owner since 2004. Throughout this exhilarating journey I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t. I’ve run successful group coaching and mastermind groups focused on giving the micro-business owner a winning edge.

Running a business solo is lonely AND stressful.

Let’s harness the power of a peer support group and mentoring from an expert. Don’t waste time grappling with business strategy and decisions alone when you could reap a wealth of information and welcome new connections and relationships from this unique club.

What makes it unique? A carefully crafted combo of resources, live meetings, ongoing chats, brainstorming, discussions, Q&A.

      • Receive Guidance

      • Use Resources

      • Welcome Opportunities

      • Gain Wisdom

Here’s a sneak preview of your 6-month journey:

Session 1 – Your Custom Business Plan
The Clear Path Strategy Down to Earth Business Plan™ will guide you in building your strong foundation.

Session 2 – Your Unique Value Proposition
The Clear Path Strategy Unique Value Worksheet™ will clarify how to use what makes you different to set prices and strengthen your brand identity.

Session 3 – Your Best Fit Client
The Clear Path Strategy Ideal Client Worksheet™ will help you find the clientele that brings you success and joy for years to come.

Session 4 – Your Marketing Plan
The Clear Path Strategy Down to Earth Marketing Plan™ will pinpoint your best marketing channels, working efficiently to reach your Best Fit Clients.

Session 5 – Your Content Marketing System
The Clear Path Strategy Content Development Plan™ will create and set your marketing content, channels and calendar with impactful themes and topics.

Session 6 – Your Rock Solid Process
The Clear Path Strategy Systems Plan™ will focus on creating systems and repeatable processes that are the cornerstone of growth.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey?

What would you do if you had a dedicated support crew?

      • Get suggestions on your website, prices, sales page.
      • Live brainstorming on your current business challenge.
      • Benefit from those who have already unraveled an issue.
      • Soak up creative ideas, engage with new business connections.

6 Months of Live Business Building with Your Peer Advisory Board

                      • PLUS proprietary downloadable tools.
                      • PLUS videos on every topic.
                      • PLUS private chat forum

All for less than $80/month!

Take the first step! Click below to apply.