Here’s a common scenario:

You attended a lively networking event and met some interesting folks. Maybe you’ll follow up with a few to get to know them better….

But wait – what’s this in your inbox? A newsletter from a company you don’t know… wait a minute… it’s from one of the folks at that event. You JUST met this person for the first time yesterday and exchanged little more than, “nice to meet you”.

Unless you were overtaken by aliens recently, you don’t remember signing up for this publication and didn’t request it verbally.

Do you

  1. Reply: thanks for such a cool email! Please send more!
  2. Sigh, delete the email but don’t say anything because you don’t want to be rude.
  3. Tell the person off, demanding to know why they are stuffing your inbox all of a sudden?
  4. None of the above.

The answer is D – none of the above.

Look, they likely don’t know that it’s against email marketing rules to stuff people into their subscription database. Or perhaps they are just hopeful that everyone on the planet is ready to buy from them. Gotta love those optimists!

If I showed up in the same networking function as you, it does NOT give you permission to place me on your email newsletter list so that now I get to read all about you and what you’re doing for the next 10 years. You may be hopeful that as soon as I read all about you, I’ll buy 3 or 4 of whatever you’re selling; but, assuming I’m interested when I don’t know you or barely had much of a conversation with you is hopeful at best and rude at worst.

The correct action to take is to scroll to the bottom of their email, look for the word “unsubscribe” (it will likely be in 2 point font and an almost-white gray) and click that. If you’re presented with an opportunity to choose why you’re opting out, you can say or choose the option: “I never subscribed to your emails”.

If you’re foggy on the rules, here’s the general guideline:

  1. In the same room or zoom and everyone introduces themselves DOES NOT give you permission to subscribe people.
  2. We’ve had a 1 to 1 conversation and I told you that I think what you do is super interesting and I’d LOVE TO HEAR MORE – yes, this is implied permission – go ahead and add me.

Hope this helps. Please share one of your favorite examples of when someone you barely met added you to their list.