I was that “A” student that always wanted to go further than the assignment. So when my mentor asked me to write a profile of my Ideal Client, I did that, and went one better. After I wrote the full-page detailed profile, I sent it on to my top clients and asked them if I captured them correctly. I breathed a sigh of relief when they all said yes, and even graciously gave me additional detailed suggestions. That was an awesome experience, knowing that my concept of who I loved working with was validated by the people themselves and that they were enthusiastically adding personal details. 

I challenge you to do the same, it’s an empowering feeling.

But where to start … how do you figure out who your top clients are? If you’ve been in business for years, sometimes it all flies by like a blur. But when I get my clients to sit, clear their minds and think of the customers who have made them smile or made them stress, vivid images begin to form. 

I love that as a Pumpkin Plan strategist, I have access to a whole closet-full of proprietary tools that I share with my clients. This allows us to work systematically on improving their profitability and meeting their goals. I also give them the Pumpkin Plan Action Planner, so they can map out their goals, big visions and minute details all in one place. And we track all our discussion topics and action items in a shared Trello Board that either of us can update any time. My client can also ping me on our dedicated Slack Channel for any reason, any time, even uploading photos and files on the fly. When we work together, they know my lines of communication are (almost) always open (I do need sleep).  

So, who is YOUR top client? Who do you LOVE working with? I never limit the definition of ideal client only to top revenue, because as we seasoned business owners know, sometimes those who flash the cash are the ones who press us with stress! Who needs that?? Life is too short NOT to make it a goal to only work with customers who bring you joy. Start with happiness and the money comes, too. 

Can I help you find your ideal client? And if you know who that is, can I help you use that knowledge to increase your results to the level you want? 

I offer weekly and semi-monthly strategic consulting sessions, working steadily with you to clarify all that needs to happen to make your business consistently profitable and to make you feel that you’re living your best entrepreneurial life. As you can imagine, it takes more than a session or two, because building a successful business is not an overnight affair. 

If you’re not ready for ongoing sessions, you can begin with a One Month Deep Dive. We work through 4 weekly sessions along a pre-set agenda for a definitive outcome.  

It all starts with a simple phone conversation. Email me to schedule yours: susana@clearpathstrategy.com