Keep To Your Purpose: Define Your Yes 

Navigation Point: Purpose

It’s nearing the end of the year and a natural time to look back on what worked and didn’t – and why. Consider all the client transactions and prospect requests for the year. 

Many of us, at some point, have experienced clients or  interested prospects asking for services we don’t provide.  

Can’t really blame them – they have a challenge and just want to get it done and fixed. But just as you wouldn’t say to your plumber, “thanks for clearing that drain, now can you fix my doorbell?” You as a business owner can’t expect to say yes to every request. 

Sometimes the business owner feels “put on the spot”. They haven’t thought about this type of request and don’t know how to answer. 

Happens to me all the time, even after 17 years. Someone recently said, “you’re such a great writer. Can you rewrite my website? 

I was taken aback, and while I could attempt it, in all fairness, I don’t have the finesse of experience as a website copywriter, so I declined.  

My best tip for you is to make a list NOW. Open a new doc or list on your phone. Call it:  

What Is Ok And What Is Not Ok. 

What Is Ok are likely items that are very closely related to what you already do, and can be a natural progression. What Is Not Ok are items that you were never prepared to do, are not covered by your insurance, your contract, are different price points, can get you into trouble, and can veer you off your Purpose Path altogether.  

A concierge company owner was asked to drive a client to her doctor’s appointment. Nope. Not within the scope (and insurance protection) of what her company offers. 

A photographer was asked, we booked a headshot session, but in the last 5 minutes can you sneak in a family portrait? Nope. A headshot and a family portrait are two different price points and require different settings.  

You get the idea. Don’t let your willingness to “help” derail your own career. 

Keep this list handy because you’ll be adding to it over the years. 

The question is not WHETHER I can do this, it’s should I and do I want to? 

Will you feel awkward or “mean” if you say no? To take that burden off your mind, prepare your standard company response. Let me gift that to you right now: 

No that’s not what my company does. 

The beauty of that response is that 

  • It doesn’t go into detail 
  • It doesn’t point at YOU 
  • It doesn’t make them feel awkward 

It’s a simple statement so it’s easily memorized. Tattoo it on your wrist if you must! 

If you really are considering a request that doesn’t seem VERY far fetched, here’s your formula: 

Comfort level plus profit plus purpose 

This means, how comfortable would you be providing that service, plus how much profit does that really give you, plus does this request keep you on the path of your purpose? 

Typically you’ll find that at least 1 or 2 of those variables will be in the negative, so unless all 3 are a go, the answer is NO.  

Entrepreneurs are always looking for the next opportunity, the next service expansion, the next way to say yes and get more clients. But it must be on YOUR terms, not whatever request the wind blows in. Did you start that list yet? What are you waiting for? 

How Can I Help You? 

I work with small business owners to identify that part of your business that isn’t doing that well. We look at your business holistically and clarify what needs to happen to increase profits and live your best entrepreneurial life.  Schedule a complimentary  counseling session to see for yourself.