What’s Your Next Act? Ask and Listen 

Navigation Point:  Delivering Value – Offers 

If you’re a business owner, the one constant is that everything’s always changing. What’s popular this year? What kinds of clients do you want to work with? What new specialty would you like to delve in? What does your audience want and need from you? 

You Can’t Drive Forward By Watching the Rear View Mirror 

You may have started your business offering a specific service to a chosen type of audience – but if that was several years in the rear-view mirror, you know you must, and will always, have to refresh. Look at the road in front of you. Analyze your trends and experiences. Predict what your market will be seeking tomorrow. Businesses who never change, never meet the developing demands of the market, are the ones who struggle and are left in the dust. So what are you prepared to do about it? 

Have an Honest Review Meeting 

Around this time each year, I look at what I offered this year and last. What worked versus what didn’t? In project management, I learned about Post-Mortem meetings (a terrible name). You can call it something different, like a “Year in Review Meeting”. It’s a valuable use of your time to have a meeting with your team, with your advisory board, with your coach, and even with yourself. Set aside your ego and feelings and look at the facts. This worked, this didn’t. Why? 

The truth is in the minds and hearts of your clients and prospects. I chide myself that playing the “what happened” game with my own suppositions and imaginings lead me nowhere. Why did this offer become popular but not this one? 

Want the safe answer? Imagine. Want the real answer? Ask. 

When you have simple and open conversations with members of your target audience who you feel would give you the real answer, you’ll be rewarded with honest information. Real live data. Imagine – no more guessing! 

Are you brave enough to ask what your best prospective clients would like to see from you in 2022?  

The curious will ask.  

The brave will implement it. 

How Can I Help You? 

I work with small business owners to identify that one part of your business that isn’t doing that well and clarify what needs to happen to make your business profitable and help you feel that you’re living your best entrepreneurial life. Schedule a free session to see for yourself. https://calendly.com/susana-f/phone-consult