Is a Great Result Worth a Poor Experience? 

Navigation Point:  Structure 

I’ve often stated that your client wants more than a solution to a problem – they want a transformation. 

And most business owners are hyper focused on delivering that end result. Even if it annoys the clients along the way! 

The Miserable Dental Experience 

Yes, I know, who LOVES going to the dentist? We know there will be some physical pain (what they call “discomfort”) and it’s also going to be painful for your bank account. But it’s all worth it in the end, right? Not really. 

Recently I was able to walk out of my dentist’s office with the comfort that I would never return. The next appointment would be made with a different practitioner altogether.  

Was the result poor? Did they make mistakes? No, the work was ok. But the process and experience made it miserable and stressful. Not an experience I want to – or need to – repeat. There are a lot of dental health providers out there, so I will be on a quest for a better EXPERIENCE not just a good result. 

What Made Me Not Want to Return? 

I thought we were all taught in our early years to be kind and polite. To greet people, smile, and ask “how are you”? Apparently not all the folks passed that test. During four procedural visits, this dentist never once said hello. He didn’t introduce himself. In my first acquaintance with him, as I sat in the patient chair in the reclined position, he rolled his seat over to my head and said, “are you ready?” 

Ummm what? My eyes were as wide as golf balls. My blood pressure shot up. 

Honestly, that’s as civil and kind as he got. Did he do his job? Yes. Did the result turn out ok? Yes. Would I go back to him in the future? Not on your life. 

He never mentioned his name, never asked how I was doing. Never explained what we were going to work on today. He did, however, take opportunities to shoot extra X-Rays and tell me about other “situations” that needed fixing in the future, while I had various and sundry objects stuffed in my mouth and couldn’t ask questions. 

There were even more issues and annoyances, but suffice it to say that a good result was NOT worth the miserable experience. 

How Are You Delivering A Wow Experience? 

Part of charging what your worth is the transformative, spectacular result you and your team provide. But don’t forget that the price also includes the customer experience you’re delivering.  

Are you being communicative with your clients? Asking if they have questions? Treating them with kindness, respect, and making them feel special? 

It doesn’t mean you completely customize your process to answer everything they’d like you to do – it means rolling out your process and making sure they are delighted with it.  

In some cases, your client may be super stressed about their challenge, about your process, and they could also be feeling as if their privacy is being invaded. Put yourself in their shoes.  

How can you make them feel comfortable about the whole experience? 
How can they feel super happy that they brought you in? 
What would make them feel appreciated and cared for?
What would make them give you a glowing Google review and tell their friends? 

Ways To Make It Spectacular 

  1. If you work with a team, get them involved and ask for new ideas.  
  2. Interview your recent happiest clients and ask what they loved and what they believe you can add to the experience. 
  3. If you are working with a peer advisory board, ask for feedback and experiences. 

It’s very rare that ONE PERSON has all the answers, so ASK! 

How Can I Help You? 

I work with small business owners to identify that one part of your business that isn’t doing that well. We look at your business holistically and clarify what needs to happen to increase profits and live your best entrepreneurial life.  

Schedule a free consulting session to see for yourself.