Navigation Point: Goals 

As small business owners, we spend a considerable amount of time meeting new people. Some call it “prospecting”; others say it’s about discovering new connections.  

Networking takes a significant amount of our business development time, so we must proceed with caution; we can easily let our days be swallowed up by it.  

Recently, at a networking breakout session, I mentioned my 4 networking goals. Some found it interesting and helpful, so I’m sharing it here.   

I think of networking as 1 of 4 rooms I can spend time in: 

If I attend a few meetings of a group and can’t figure out their “vibe” or personality; or if I can’t fit the experience into one of my rooms, then I don’t return. It’s important to understand HOW you’re using your time. Are you spending the time efficiently, meeting your goals? 

Be aware of how you will allot time among the 4 rooms. 

This is just my personal calculation – yours can be quite different, depending on where you are in your business journey. 

The Reason I Have 4 Rooms 

Some might be wondering why I don’t spend 100% of my time prospecting. Successful business owners look for a more robust experience with a rich variety of connections. Here’s how I break down how I spend my time: 

Give Back. I spend a small amount of time in groups where the average participant is rather new to business. I was in that position a few years ago, and appreciated a “seasoned” business owner reaching in and giving great advice. After more than 15 years as an owner, this is my “give back” time. 

Support Peers. Next, I love spending time with my peers, giving and receiving every day wisdom and support. It makes me feel that I’m not alone (and not crazy). I can see that the ups and downs of business are a shared experience, and that when you converse with your peers you shake off some entrepreneurial loneliness and form bonds that makes you stronger. 

Listen and Learn. I’m a lifelong learner and aware that there is always something new to discover and absorb. This is why I look for groups where the average member has been in business longer or has a company larger than mine. I listen and soak up as much knowledge as possible, asking lots of questions that encourage me to grow. 

Meet Prospects. Naturally, as a business looking to grow, I seek new people who may be in an position to work with me. I explain what I do and then sit back, watch and listen. Is my next client in this room? Are they expressing the type of challenge I love to tackle? Are they in a position to search for and invest in a great fit business growth strategist?   

It’s your turn. How do you divide your networking rooms? Are you aware of and use different strategies and goals? I’d love to hear your strategy. 

I work with small business owners to identify that one part of your business that isn’t doing that well and clarify what needs to happen to make your business profitable and help you feel that you’re living your best entrepreneurial life. Schedule a free session to see for yourself.