You have a vision, dreams, goals. But before you can achieve any of them, there are a multitude of problems and blocks to tear down. Sometimes you feel as if you’re fighting off a crowd of fire-breathing dragons guarding the castle you’re attempting to enter. 

While we’re not in a fairy tale, a certain kind of magic happens when a small and select group of highly motivated and deeply committed people come together to defy odds and win. You can continue to struggle alone, getting bits and pieces of help from a book here, an online course there, but it just won’t be enough. 

I’ve personally experienced the power of a small group of people who share the common goal of wanting to build and grow a successful and sustainable small business. We may be of different industries, but we come together as a team because our commonalities are strong: we are professional, hard-working, and ready to give and receive wisdom and support so that we make things happen in months that otherwise would take us years to achieve. 

Because of this, members of a mastermind enjoy the momentum built from meeting regularly to discuss goals; getting support and advice for their challenges and building a bond with like-minded professionals who keep them accountable. 

What Happens in a Clear Path Collective session? 

Your group meets twice a month for an hour and a half on Zoom with me. I share educational material from my proprietary Growth Positioning System (GPS), check in with the group and facilitate the meeting. We may record the first educational piece of the meeting, but we respect the confidential nature of our discussions and invite our members to speak openly and freely. The recording is shut off as members take turns in a Solution Opportunity Spotlight (SOS). They present a challenge, and the team asks clarifying questions. No one says, “this is what you should do”. Rather, we offer clarity, inspiration and new ideas based on our own experiences or learnings.  

More than the discussions, the members complete their own GPS map, which will serve as their personal guidance system for their business. Members also have the opportunity to select a project they’d like to work on with the feedback of their team. 

It’s an energetic, dynamic, and productive experience for all, while providing acceptance, understanding and support. 

What are the fire-breathing dragons you’re battling in your business right now? Would you prefer to fight them off alone or with a squad? What project have you put on your to-do list for months and months without being able to tackle it? Would you like to work on it knowing you have feedback and inspiration to complete it? 

If this sounds like what you’ve been missing in your business journey, email me to ask your questions.