Happiness Begins By Clarifying Your Purpose.  

Why are you a business owner? What are you looking to get out of this experience? 

During hard times, it’s common to feel emotional exhaustion overcome you. Whether it’s a family health issue, a personal setback or a world crisis, all the hard work we put into building our business can easily get stalled. We can’t easily continue down the same road, so it’s time to address what changes need to be made – whether it’s within our own mental health or fine tuning a system or process.   

Whenever you feel unsure of the future of your business, it helps to remember your original Purpose. Why did you decide to start a business? Why this particular business? 

For some, huge amounts of money are the motivator. Some prospects have said, “I want to hire you to make me a success”. Those are not “my” people. Those are the people I tell outright that we’re not the right fit.  

I prefer to work side by side with people who are focused on their Purpose. They have a deep mission that centers on personal development, family care, and providing clients with a transformation.   

When all kinds of turmoil is thrown in the road of our business journey, what keeps our eyes on the road is Purpose –  

  • Why you’re a business owner.  
  • Why you chose this particular type of business.  
  • Why you decided to seek out this particular type of customer. 
  • Why you wanted to put your talents to use in providing this service. 

Not everyone wants to make as much money as possible, for the sake of having a ton of money. I  want to pursue a comfortable income that enables me to enjoy a happy life.   

When money is the driving force in your business, there will never be a figure large enough to make you feel that you’ve attained your goal. There will always be a thirst for more money.  

When I hear people hyper focused on the dollars they expect to make this week, month and year, I often think of the 1984 Dunkin Donuts commercial of the exhausted man waking up at ungodly hours because it was “time to make the donuts”. Definitely no joy there! I want to wake up looking forward to my day, not dreading it! Clarifying and keeping my Purpose top of mind helps me do that.  

Are you feeling a bit lost on your journey? I would love to work with you on that. I point you in the right direction, to keep you focused on what matters.  My GPS takes into account the 8 critical navigation points every business must keep in alignment for success, profit and happiness. 

  • Aligning Choices – Clarifying your Purpose and setting attainable Goals 
  • Delivering Value – Revealing your true Worth and refining value-driven Offers 
  • Attracting Audience – Discovering your top Clients and crafting Messaging for your target 
  • Building Growth – Assigning company Roles and strengthening your company Structure   

As the business owner, you’re in the driver’s seat, and I’m your navigator. You make the decisions, I’ll offer the next best direction. I work side-by-side with you to create a clear path for action and strategies that bring your goals to reality. Together we work on your business holistically, and ensure all the pieces are in perfect alignment. 

Schedule your time to chat here: https://calendly.com/susana-f/phone-consult