How I Found Myself Learning About A Razor. 

With my $5 Target coupon in hand, I found myself in the shaving section perusing the usual suspects – Schick, Gilette, Bic, etc. Off to the side I spot a completely unknown brand – Flamingo.  

Wondering who they were, I read the packaging and brought it to the checkout. It turned out to be a terrific product, but I was curious as to their story. 

What’s Your Story? 

If I asked what’s your mission statement, you’ll likely roll your eyes and think back to traumatic times in corporate, coming up with a fluff-filled long-winded paragraph.  

That doesn’t fly anymore. A mission statement is easily described and understood as – why did you start this business? And if you have a tough time articulating this, ask yourself 3 simple questions: 


Why me? 

Why this? 

Why now? 

In case you haven’t noticed, in today’s business environment, the Brand is just as important as the company itself. That’s because brand breeds loyalty. And the best way to start expressing your brand is to tell your entrepreneurial story. Your story begins with your purpose. 

When I work with clients using my Clear Path Strategy Growth Positioning System™, we focus first on Aligning Choices. The first key of Aligning Choices is defining your Purpose. 

Today’s competitive world is full of new companies who have the courage to push through the crowd of old traditional conglomerates. And they’re doing it by telling their story and showcasing their Purpose.


Don’t Believe Me? Go On A Scavenger Hunt. 

Open your fridge, your pantry, your cabinets. Look at purchases you’ve made recently. I’m pretty sure I’m buying Oatly because their message speaks to me. 

What other companies, products and services have you been attracted to not JUST because of the result but ALSO the story? 

If the successful companies can be bold enough to tell their background journey, you can too.  

In fact, the less you feel you should reveal about you and your purpose, the tougher the time you’ll have in developing a loyal customer base. 

People want to connect to a company that is willing to communicate on a person-to-person basis, regardless of their product or service. People want to do business with people.  

Take action. Write your story. Clarify your brand. And if you can use some help, schedule a free initial consult.