Last time I addressed how to spend your time when business is slowStep 1 was about The Personal Connection.

Review And Refine Your Communications. 

When business is slow, it’s THE best time to review your marketing material. Yes, that task you hate, right up there with scrubbing the floor behind the toilet.   

  1. Review & revise your website. 
    Sharpen the top half of your home page, your About page, and your products/services page. Does everything reflect exactly what and how you’re doing business today?  Your home page must reflect clearly what you do, who you do it for, and how you do it. Visitors may only spend 3-4 seconds skimming it. Your About page should tell us who you are as a human and include an updated headshot. Your services page must make it clear how to work with you.  
  2. LinkedIn Profile
    When you google your name, your LinkedIn profile will come up on the first page; so update it now. Your goal is to be CLEAR in your headline and summary; not cute or clever. Scrap the title of Chief Officer of Awesome Things and create a headline that describes what you do and who you do it for. People use LinkedIn as a search engine and they use commonly understood terms, not whimsical titles. When you search for your profession, do you show up? If you’re a photographer, make sure “photographer” is in your headline, not Creator of Digital Imagery.  
  3. Email & Blog.
    Even if you hate to write, an email newsletter and blog are vital for your marketing. Create at least ONE newsletter/blog every month. The good news – people don’t read lengthy posts, so 200 – 400 words will do it. Better yet – write 1 article, and recycle it – publish it in LinkedIn, your blog, and your monthly newsletter. You never know how people find you so it’s best to keep all 3 updated with valuable and fresh content. 
  4. One more social outlet.
    Don’t go nuts posting in 5 social channels. I recommend LinkedIn plus 1 more. If you LOVE posting, go for more, but if you struggle with consistent content, just 1 more will give you some results. Which one is up to you – ask your BEST clients what social channel they usually check. Start with 3 posts per week and try to increase as you see what people are engaging with.  What images do people notice and what content do they comment on? Peek at what others in your industry are doing and let them inspire you. 

Next stop – Get Involved!