Savvy business owners who are experts in their field will go all out for their clients – but when it comes to talking about themselves in their marketing, they freeze. I’ve heard this so many times!
“I hate self-promotion”. “I feel awkward about branding myself.”
These are the folks whose customers love them but their prospect funnel is slow and piecemeal, because they’re relying on word of mouth.
If this sounds like I’m talking about you, listen up for some good news.
I hereby absolve you of attempting to promote yourself.
You’re welcome. 😊
I’m not suggesting you stop marketing – just reframe it in your mind and choose a specific focus and language.
If You Don’t Promote Yourself, What Are You Marketing?
For those of you who find self-promotion awkward, it’s typically because you’re focused on your mission. You want to use your talent and skills to serve your clients so that they will experience the joy of transformation. This is a wonderful place to start – you’ll want to get crystal clear about your mission. Write it down, print it out, tape it to your wall. Let it be your guiding light in every decision you make. Those who are focused on serving their clients follow the concept of Servant Leadership. As the name implies, it’s a way to lead your followers not by being grandiose, but by finding ways to serve them.
How to Apply Your Mission and Client Service to Marketing
Look at it this way – as a Servant Leader, it is your duty to inform your audience that the solution to their challenge exists, and that you are equipped to take on the task of guiding them to the solution. Your marketing language shifts away from you and spotlights your target market. They are the hero in the story, the lead in the play. You are their support system, their guide. Your blog, email marketing and social media posts are now framed to address them directly and to give them the inspiration they are seeking.
If you’re not convinced to hop on the marketing road yet, let’s look at it this way: if you do not promote your services, all those people who are struggling and suffering with their challenge (that you solve) will not receive your amazing resolution, your expertise and exceptional care. Indeed, you are letting them down.
Are you shifting your mindset yet? This has worked for me dramatically over the years. I keep my focus on the next person I can partner with so that together we can overcome their difficulty. I think of the awesome people I’ve had the honor of working with and their relief at receiving the support I’m equipped to give. Those people are uppermost in my mind when I’m writing my content (like right now) so that I don’t need to try and shine a spotlight on myself.
How Servant Leadership Shows Up in Your Website
How many websites have you seen where the business owner/expert has taken center stage on every page? Every where you click, there is the bigger-than-life image of our entrepreneur, and the language is focused on why they’re the expert and why you should sign up for their offer right now. This is not wrong – it’s just their approach – it doesn’t have to be yours. Just because some folks make it all about them doesn’t mean you have to follow suit. It’s ok (and best) not to copy – and rather, be your natural self.
Make your website about your best and favorite clients, your targeted industry. Talk about their hopes and dreams and blocks and challenges. Let them know you understand where they are right now, and how you hope they will allow you to guide them to a better alternative.
When you’re writing your content, tell stories about wonderful clients who have benefited from the service you provide, and invite your audience to contact you and tell you their story.
I hope this helps you reframe your mind and allow all your spectacular content to flow into the universe. Your audience and prospects NEED you – it’s your mission to offer to help them with your experience, education, skills, and CARING.
If you need more help with how to address your audience, I welcome you to book a free discovery call. Go here: