My “Amazon Clicking Finger” at the ready, I already went in and shopped for plenty of Christmas presents. But as a Small Business Strategist, I want to be sure to support local small business owners – and hope you will, as well. After all, if we don’t support each other how can we expect others to? 

I went into Scooch-A-Mi, a lovely boutique in Chatham and shopped from the warm and wonderful Ellen, who is also a networking buddy. Awesome stuff, I plan on a second swoop before Christmas. And I feel great knowing I’m supporting a peer.

I registered for the Holiday Dinner at NAWBO in Somerset, featuring vendor tables from other local business owners. Will hit up Jams By Kim, because my family loves her stuff! 

I will also be purchasing gift cards from local small business owners who often struggle with competition from big franchises. Someone in the family will get a terrific facial from Ruth at All About Skin. 

And another group of people will be lucky enough to receive a gift I had custom designed with Dr. Peggy at Peggy’s Midnight Creations. Just beautiful and so special. 

Whether it’s someone who has used their creativity and ingenuity to craft a beautiful product or a masterful expert in a particular service, all small business owners would love for you to consider shopping from them this holiday season. Look through your local shops and your networking associates. Who do you know who can benefit from a unique gift you can’t get at the mall?