How do you feel about a company that tries to pump itself up by tearing down its competitors?  

This turns me off for various reasons. If you are a professional entity, operating with high ethics, you would attract customers regardless of your competition. 

Yes, the mega-companies do it (I’m looking at you, Microsoft and Apple; Ford and Chevy…), but that doesn’t make it right.

First of all, it takes a lot of time and energy to be “in the know” and up to date on all that your competitors are doing, day in and day out 

Second, you’re taking up valuable time and content space mentioning your competitor in your advertising and marketing.  

That’s 2 huge lost opportunities to focus time and energy on getting your own company’s value and benefits out to your target market. 

And – let’s face it – whether or not you believe in karma, isn’t it better to know you’ve operated in a high quality and ethical manner?  

The fact is, there are a LOT of human beings in your community, in your state. Can you truly handle ALL those people as clients in your business?  It’s ok (and quite reasonable) to let some go to your competitors.  

So what works? 

Focus on your BEST clients. Who is  your ideal target market? Who is your favorite type of customer? Focus on them, what they need from you, how you can serve them and meet their needs and solve their challenges. If you create marketing language that centers around your best client and how you can truly make them happy beyond their expectations, then they will naturally become attracted to working with you. 

Let the other not so great prospects go to your competitors – there’s more than enough business to go around. Wasting your time peeking in the window of your competition, or hoping EVERYONE becomes a client is damaging, not helpful. Let the others go that route. 

Would you like some guidance in figuring out how to make this work for you? I’d be happy to discuss it in a phone call with no obligation to purchase any services.