This is one of the most misunderstood topics in establishing a successful Email Marketing Strategy. The most obvious answer is – fill my lists with my past and current customers, prospects and warm leads. 

You may be missing out on other opportunities, though.

Consider inviting anyone who has expressed a genuine interest in learning more about your business, asked questions about your products/services, or who may know of someone who is your target audience. This includes family, neighborhood friends and yes, even your old high school and college classmates.  

Do you own a crystal ball? No? Then do not make the mistake of assuming who would or would not be interested and how people will react to receiving your value-packed messages  

Let’s widen the circle: what about your service providers and vendors?  

They’re often not in the market for what you offer but can become referral resources for your business. If they knew more about what you provide and how you add value to customers’ experiences, they would be happy to refer you. And they will learn this via your informative content. For example, I don’t supply website and social media services, but for those potential partners who do, I welcome them into my list.  

Here’s a tricky question: should I invite my competitors? 

That’s a personal choice! If you provide a more specific range of services than your competitors, or if you only target a specific target market, then receiving your Email Campaigns may encourage them to refer potential customers to you that they choose not to fulfill themselves. For example, I primarily work with small service businesses, and if a colleague targets big business or product companies, we are likely to want to refer business to each other that matches our specialty. 

Taking it personally: should I be annoyed if someone unsubscribes? 

When you see that Unsubscribes report, it’s tough – I know it! It’s perfectly natural to feel disappointed. But – it’s almost never personal so don’t take it that way. Understand that there may be factors in their decision you’re not aware of: they’re inundated with email; their circumstances have changed; or perhaps they’re already receiving it in an alternate email address.  Scrutinize your message: did I provide compelling, valuable content, or was I selling? If people don’t see the value, they hit Unsubscribe. Make it your mission to find ways to improve your material! 

Not email marketing yet? Convinced it doesn’t work? 

Your competitors are DELIGHTED that you’re not doing it, so that they can gain all the attention. Yea, that caught your interest. 

Email marketing worked 10 years ago and it works today. While social media has its place in the world, email marketing does, too, It’s a marketing tool you should not leave out of your toolbox. 

If you’re a MailChimp user, you may have already experienced the frustration of having no support available. I hear complaints about “I can’t figure out how to do this is Mail Chimp”. So sad. Constant Contact has full live phone support in the U.S. available to help with any question at all. If you’re curious about Constant Contact, start here with a 60 day free trial, that doesn’t require a credit card. There’s simply no reason not to.