While I love engaging with small business owners during the presentations and workshops I give, my favorite part is the questions they ask…. I get to glimpse into the marketing and strategy questions that are floating around in their minds. 

I recently gave a Content Marketing for Professional and Personal Branding presentation, hosted by Marcella Gencarelli of Lakeland Bank.  

One of the attendees, after listening to all the tips I gave regarding how to showcase your expertise and knowledge through writing and posting articles, asked the million dollar question: 

How do you manage to do this without appearing as if you’re “blowing your own horn”? 

That’s a concern I hear very often. People have said they dislike marketing because of the feeling of “selling myself” or putting yourself in the spotlight.  

After all, you probably just wanted to focus on your product or service – not tell the world how awesome you are – when you started your business. 

So here’s my answer – a pretty smart strategy if I say so myself. 

When you’re posting content, whether it’s a short social media post or full article, keep the CUSTOMER in mind, not yourself. 

Sharing your knowledge is a selfless act – you are helping your audience and prospects by serving them with valuable information. 

When you turn the spotlight on the prospect and customer, now it feels more comfortable and even exciting. This is always how I think of content marketing – information sharing, not gloating! 

If I inform or help even one person with an article, I feel that I hit my goal. 

Are you struggling with your content marketing? Not sure where to start? We can schedule a simple phone call and talk about where you are today and your short term goals. 

By the way, this blog post is brief on purpose – to show you that marketing doesn’t have to be lengthy or arduous. It’s only 320 words – short and sweet.