One of the most common elements of entrepreneurs is our determination. Which is to say, we’re stubborn! We do NOT give up easily. In order to stick it out in the early stages and rough times of your business, determination is crucial. Those who give up on their business are just not as stubborn – or crazyas we are. 

However, it doesn’t mean we can’t ever give up on ANYthing. Sometimes you just gotta let go of what’s not working.

Recently I threw in the towel with one of the service providers I was utilizing. Now, I still love the folks behind the company, but for several reasons, the arrangement I had was actually stressing me out instead of making business run smoothly. Who has time for that?? 

So, I recognized when it was time to let go, and did so graciously and gratefully.  

Almost as soon as I did, I found new service providers that will fill the gap and I’m hopeful that the work will get done more proactively! 

Have you faced a situation in your business when you wondered if you should just “hang in there a while longer” – or give it up, put it behind you and move on? 

Whether it’s a team member, a software, a location, a service you’re offering or anything at all, not everything is going to be an instant winner. 

And not everything will be “better if I just keep working at it”. 

Sometimes working at it feels a lot like banging your head against the wall! 

Why am I bringing this up? First, it’s a really common issue amongst us “stubborn” business owners. Second, and most importantly, it’s REALLY tough to figure out when it’s time to cut and run when you have no one to discuss this with. Are you cutting out too soon? Did you suffer too long? If you stop working with “A” how will you find “B”? 

Is there a set algorithm or magic formula? Not that I’ve discovered. 

I’m fortunate in this instance to have been able to discuss my predicament with an expert in that field, and she instantly clarified my position and where to go from here. Her insights and logical thought processes were so valuable that I was able to act immediately. I’m starting my new process now, feeling energetic and empowered. 

Wouldn’t we all want to feel that way? 

Going it alone is placing an extra burden on you. It causes stress and makes every decision weigh on you. It slows down your progress and makes your entrepreneurial journey needlessly tense and confusing. 

At some point, you (and your clients!) deserve to accept the guidance of a coach, mentor, strategist. Someone to run through situations and challenges with; discuss decision points with; and even someone to celebrate all the small victories with. 

And it would be more valuable if that strategist was able to guide you through a proven process that has already improved so many companies. 

If you believe you’re at the point of searching for a guide, reach out to me. Perhaps we might be a good fit to work together – or perhaps I can point you elsewhere. It’s all about finding the right partner, not just any partner. 

And if you’re facing a tough decision point right now, where you feel as if it’s the right move to QUIT this service or team member or software or whatever, then I’m waving my magic entrepreneurial wand at you right now, and telling you it’s ok to let it go! Better yet, schedule a free consult with me, and unburden your predicament so we can discuss this together.