How to drive sales from newly acquired leadsWhether you have new leads from a conference or speaking engagement, you need to do something with those business cards you collected – stat!

If you have a handful of cards, or if you have an assistant, invite each person to connect on LinkedIn first. It’s just a nice business connection touch beyond just the email marketing.

When you do upload the list into your email marketing tool, you’ll want to create a separate list for those folks, and apply tags if possible. For example, the List would be called “XYZ Expo” and tags could be the city where you met them, the date, etc. If you can add more detailed notes about the event that you can refer to, so much the better.

Your first email touch-point should be a “thanks for connecting” message. Help them remember where they met you.

“Hi, [firstname], I enjoyed meeting you at the XYZ Expo in Houston on Aug. 15th. I know we met a lot of folks that day, so here’s a little about me:”

And from there, you can continue to give them a written version of your 15 second intro, including who your perfect customer is, what their challenge is, and how you help them.

If your email marketing tool can handle a drip campaign, often called an Auto-Responder Series, the verbiage above would be Message #1 and should be super brief. The Call To Action is always to schedule a Free 15 to 30 minute Phone Consult with you.

The 2nd and subsequent messages should also be short and extremely informative. Make sure you always give value and include your Call To Action to book the Free Phone Consult.

The secret is the brevity and the value – a quick and useful email will be something that generates interest and curiosity, and attracts people to your business. Easy peasy!