Something’s not right. You’re working hard but it’s not going well. You give it your all, but the appointment book is more than half empty and the phone’s not ringing.

Is it time to hang it up?

Is it time to get a …. Job?

As a fellow entrepreneur, I can tell you that we’ve all been there, at least once in the life of our small business. For some, those nagging, negative thoughts have tiptoed into our heads multiple times. Are they creeping into your head more frequently?

“What on earth am I doing wrong?”

You wonder if everyone’s going to your competitor or perhaps your price is too high…


I want you to understand that there is always going to be a time in your business career when not everything is going well. Ask yourself one simple but telling question:  “Do my customers like the experience I give them?”

You’re a service professional, utilizing your knowledge, expertise, skills and experiences. Whether you’re an Accountant, Attorney, Massage Therapist, Professional Organizer, Interior Designer, (the list goes on – you get my point), you ARE the product.

How did they like their experience with you? Did they get up off the massage table and exclaim it was terrible? Did they look at the contract you created and declare it was not going to work? Did they tell you your design made their house look worse?

Of course, they didn’t. People express their opinions in a more socially acceptable format – they decide whether or not to come back. Haven’t you done that yourself? Let’s be frank –if they didn’t return, you’ve got a problem to solve. If they came back but not as often as you’d like, there’s still work to do.

Most times it’s not the service itself. There was something else that didn’t really “do it” for the customer. Look at the process, payment and promotion. What can you do differently?

Instead of talking to yourself, talk it out with your coach or mentor. Talk it out with your peers. Better yet – do both at the same time.

women's group coaching, marketing program for women, women entrepreneur coachMy Sisters in Entrepreneurship Marketing Mentorship is an intensive 6-month transformational program that focuses on helping women business owners just like you.

You feel stuck. And alone. And we need to draw you into a productive and creative environment that allows you to make a BIG change in your monthly customer transactions and revenue. It’s going to take 6 months of weekly activity to make it happen.

The next 6 months will involve private mentoring, group coaching, peer inspiration, and positive action. Each week we’ll be learning, discussing, problem-solving, sharing, and developing our new plan of action.

I’m limiting this experience to 10 women. 10 talented, sensational, go-getting, caring, creative business warriors. Are you ready to meet and work alongside your new tribe?