I just read that a restaurant in the area shut down permanently. It served great food and was generally busy. The article stated the owners felt that the powers that be, disallowing seating inside restaurants, contributed greatly to its downfall.  

I was taken aback at the single-mindedness of these business owners. (Likely there were other factors in play, but the article did not divulge anything further). A true entrepreneur, when faced with a closed door, will scramble to find a crack in a window. Entrepreneurs “just make it work” somehow. We play with the cards we are dealt. 

I am proud of my Cuban immigrant heritage and what my parents had to do after touching down in a country they’d call home, while not knowing the culture or the language. As a pre-schooler, I watched my parents take on any job and manage to rent an apartment and pay the bills without asking for government assistance. This work ethic runs in my blood and I’m often surprised that not everyone has this mentality. 

My ideal client is an entrepreneur who, when faced with that slammed door, will search all over for even the tiniest crack in a window. My clients and I share a common bond – a need to serve our mission. And we are more than willing to be creative about how we wind up doing it.  

If I were the business consultant hired by the restaurant, I would point out that they had a huge property surrounding the building. There was lawn space and a huge parking area. More than ample space for outdoor seating! And their parking area lent itself beautifully for pick-up of take-out dinners. They’re located in an area where many young men and women would have been delighted to work as delivery drivers. They had multiple options, but took none of them.  

On the other hand, my clients come to me and say, “help me figure this out”. And we do. Here’s a note I received just 2 days ago, from a health and wellness expert whose business model got turned on its head by the pandemic. She booked one strategy session with me and we had a super productive meeting. 

Since our session, a number of amazing things happened.  I sent out the email newsletter with a link to my landing page as you suggested, and got a few past clients back in.  I have done 3 online private sessions and even I was surprised by how much value I was able to deliver online. And, I may have a 3rd online client for these types of sessions. Yes, they are paying my fee with no problems! 

I also had a free counseling meeting with the organization you mentioned and did not come anywhere close to what you provided. Thank you! 

This is what happens when you accept the limitations of the current day but refuse to give up. This is what happens when your true entrepreneurial spirit is determined to make your business unsinkable! And yes, when you find the right strategist/consultant to work right alongside you, the crack in the window opens wide to let in a new prosperous version of your business.  

If you’re wondering if it’s time to throw in the towel, please contact me before you do. Even one free consultation may give you the inspiration to turn things around. 

If you’ve never worked with me start here: https://calendly.com/susana-f/phone-consult 

If we have spoken before and you’re ready to get to work, book your strategy session here: https://calendly.com/susana-f/strategy-session